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How To Learn Programming For Beginners

How To Learn Programming For Beginners : Hello friends If we start learning programming then the first basic HTML should be started with basic language such as HTML, Java, C, PHP etc. So, today we will learn about How To Learn Programming For beginners in this article.

How To Learn Programming For Beginners

How To Start Coding For Beginners

Step 1 : First of all start with any one language.

Step 2 : Choose a language, such as C, PHP, Java, HTML etc.

Step 3 : After the Language Selection Function, watch it online and learn by                     tutorial.

Step 4 : Keep learning through the free tools available online.

Step 5 : Read the language, language you want to learn.

Step 6 : Then learn how much you have learned.

Step 7 : To learn more, read new books in the market, and learn about                           continuous updates.

Programming For Beginners Book

C/ C++ Books

  1. The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition
  2. Absolute Beginner’s Guide to C
  3. C Programming Language

Java Books
  1. Java: A Beginner’s Guide

Swift/Objective C Books
  1. Programming in Objective-C

Ruby Books
  1. Ruby Programming Master’s Handbook: A TRUE Beginner’s Guide!

Python Books
  1. Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

PHP Books
  1. The Joy of PHP: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL

JavaScript Books
  1. A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript

General Coding Language
  • C/C++
  • Java/Android
  • Swift/Objective C
Back-End Development Language
  • Ruby
  • Python
Front-End Development Language
  • PHP
  • JavaScript

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