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Top 5 Things You Should Never Do In A Relationship

Top 5 Things You Should Never Do In A Relationship.: Being in a relationship is great yeah sometimes it can be tricky there are many differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships there's also a lot of things you should and shouldn't do while inland and that's we're gonna be talking about today, welcome back to the World remark before we get started so I remind you guys to please follow to this awesome blog if you haven't already we bring you guys new article 7 days a week also make sure you show some love by giving this article a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments what other top 5 lists you'd like to see me do alright without further ado let's get started on our list of the top 5 things you should never do in a relationship starting off.

Top 5 Things You Should Never Do In A Relationship.

5 . Stop Putting In Effort.

"Things guys should never do to their girlfriend" in our number 5  stop putting in effort I've said it once and I'll say it again once you "stop putting effort" into relationship it's going to die might not be today might not be tomorrow but it's going to happen once you get comfortable with someone and settle into a routine it's easy to put in less effort before you know it instead of talking on the phone you're shooting each other a quick text you no longer go on dates you no longer ask each other how the other person's day was no flowers no little mementos to show you're thinking of the other person once these things start to go it's not looking good my friends it's super important you continue to enjoy communicating with one another complement one another go on dates get each other little gifts here and there no matter how long you're with someone you should never stop trying to impress them or make them feel loved in a.

4 . The Past 

"What not to do in a relationship with your boyfriend" Number for bringing up the past obviously no relationship is perfect you're going to have problems at one point or another but bringing up past issues or holding on to passed arguments is a huge mistake that suggests going to result in the two of you arguing now I have to admit at the beginning of my relationship I was guilty of this I think it's something we all do at one point in a relationship it's a hard thing not to do but after it's been done once or twice you start to realize bringing it up gets you nowhere and you need to stop referencing back to it personally I'm a very stubborn person so this was hard for me to do but how many times can you bring up the same little thing over and over again it gets a little real fast

3 . Lose Yourself.

"Things not to do in a new relationship" in at number three lose yourself it's all too easy when you fall in love to lose yourself you just become so consumed in the other person's life and you just want to be with them and well yes you should want to be around that person it's important to remember that you still need to do things that you love as well it's natural when you're constantly around someone that you pick up their hobbies and interests but that doesn't mean your original hobbies and interest before the just disappear so it's important you still have your own lives that are separate from one another take time to hang out with your friends your family and do your own thing keep pursuing your interests you're not attached at the hip.

2 . Support.

Things a man should never do to a woman to coming in at number two support when you're in relationship with someone you're in a partnership and you should always have your partner's back now  don't get me wrong of course you're going to have difference of opinions and ideas and that's fine when it comes to their dreams and goals in life it's important you have their back and sometimes they may fail but you should never say I told you so or mock them for being wrong they don't need to feel worse about failing you need to be each other's Rock and feel comfortable to lean on one another and you need to be comfortable to open up completely. 

1 . Cheating.

"Top 5 Things You Should Never Do In A Relationship" at number one cheating now this is a super obvious one if you're no longer into your partner and don't think it's going to work out then break up with them it's never under any circumstances okay to cheat it's just that simple when someone cheats the trust is gone and it's never fully going to be able to be gained back I know that sometimes people cheat and their partner stays with them and that's their choice and that's fine personally this is something I would never be able to do I believe that Trust is the foundation of any relationship and once that's ruined you can try and fix it but once it's gone it's never going to be what it once was so it's simple don't cheat and there you have it that's a list of the five things you should never do in a relationship hopefully this helped some of you.

It just confirmed that you're doing all the right things I want to thank you guys for reading this article and I'll catch you in the next one.

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