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Top 5 Inappropriate Disney Toys

Top 5 Inappropriate Disney Toys.: Disney is known to bring joy to children and adults alike. They are an empire that’s managed to take over the children movie and toy market. And while their movies are a hit sometimes their toys are a miss and that’s what i am going to be talking about today.  welcome back to the world remark. Before we get started I want to know what was your favorite toy growing up and why? Let me know your answers down in the comments. And before we get started I just want to remind all of you to please follow to this awesome website if you haven't already we bring you guys awesome article 7 days a week. And Don’t forget to give this article a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments what other top 5 lists you like to see me do. Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the Top 5 Inappropriate Disney Toys. Starting off.

Top 5 Inappropriate Disney Toys.

Inappropriate Disney Toys

5 . Hannah Montana Gummy.

Hannah Montana Gummy

"Inappropriate Disney Toys" at our number 5 "Hanna Montana gummy" So here we have Hanna Montana Concert Candies. Guitar and microphone shaped sweet and sour gummy. Yeah so you don’t realize the awkward- inappropriate- and phallic shapes these can make until you see the gummy flesh colored. Well the mike we always knew about but not the guitar. Yeah if I saw these on the store shelves I wouldn’t be getting them for my kids that’s for sure. Maybe they should’ve picked a music note or you know a high heel. Basically anything that’s not in the shape of a penis would be great. I bet cousin Luann was behind this one. Yeah those of you who have watched Hannah Montana Gummy know who i am talking about .

 4 . Donald Duck Ride.

 Donald Duck Ride.

'Top 5 Inappropriate Disney Toys' in at number 4 Donald duck ride yeah this is just unfortunate. Whoever designed this needs to re think their career path. I mean this is meant to be a ride kids are going to go on so they should’ve thought about this a bit harder- Turn Donald around the other way so the kids can ride on his back. Like why this? For one thing the kids going to be riding on Donald’s lap and hes not even wearing pants. And secondly hes staring somewhere he shouldn’t be. Face right in there. Now online there a lot of pictures of adults goofing around on this ride and its pretty clear why. But honestly come on why would someone do this. There just trying to ruin Donald’s wonderful reputation and making him seem like a creepy.

3 . Winnie The Pooh Toy.

Winnie The Pooh Toy

'Inappropriate Disney Toys' at number 3 Winnie the Pooh toy Yeah so um here we have a Winnie the pooh toy. Again we have a toy that could have been great if not for the awkward positioning. So this is a standard ring toy popular among toddlers. Luckily at their young age they don’t understand that the positioning of the stand is inappropriate. But as adults we sure do. Yeah I don’t think I would purchase this for my kid. Its just a bit much. There not much info available on this toy other then the picture and I think its pretty obvious why. I mean i am pretty sure this got pulled after the definite backlash it would have received.

2 . Buzz Light year Sippy Cup.

Buzz Light year Sippy Cup

Coming in at number 2 two Buzz light year sippy cup yeah once again we have awkward placement. Only this time there a straw involved so it just kind of takes it to that next level of inappropriateness you know? But the body stance and facial expression they decided to give buzz is also concerning. So he has his arms folded- a self satisfied look on his face and this is all while there  a straw where his private area would be. Yeah this cup designer just made one mistake after the other. How did this even get approved- like who thinks this is OK I love Disney and all but common guys. You could've just made this a normal cup and slapped "Buzz Light year Sippy Cup" picture on it instead of this.

1 . Lion King Glass Figurines.

Lion King Glass Figurines

Finally "Inappropriate Disney Toys" at number One "Lion King figurine" As if you couldn’t tell from all the other items on this list Disney had some people with an odd sense of humor producing there children’s toys. This one is just above and beyond. So already just by looking at it the placement is weird. But you are able to tell that this is supposed to depict the scene from the lion king where Raffia holds up Samba and announces his birth to the pride land. Suppose to be a happy moment but as you can see the toy isn’t positioned in the best way and then you see this toy in action and you know the toy designer had some issues. Editors I inserted a clip so if you could show a few seconds of that.Yeah that’s just wrong.

And on that note there you have it that’s our list of the Top 5 Inappropriate Disney Toys. Thank you guys for reading and i'll catch you in the next one.

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