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Top 5 Weird Japanese Inventions

Top 5 Weird Japanese Inventions.japanese inventions that changed the world amazing when it comes to technology but sometimes they go a little too far with their inventions and that's we're gonna be talking about today,  welcome back to the world remark before we get started I want to know what is the craziest or weirdest thing you own lime now your answer is down in the comments and before we get started I want to remind all of you to please follow to our awesome website we bring you guys article six days a week and don't forget to give this article a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments what other top five lists you'd like to see me do in the future all right without further ado let's get started on our list of the top 5 weird Japanese inventions coming in our top 10 japanese inventions next time

Top 5 Weird Japanese Inventions.

5. Baby Mop Outfit.

Coming to number 5 baby mop outfit I don't know if I hate this one or secretly loved it I mean it's pretty clever I have to give them Matt parents are super busy they have to work cook and clean so if they can get their kids to help out with some of the chores at such young age men why not nothing wrong with teaching them some responsibilities while they're young it's going to lead to them being well-rounded adults now obviously some people aren't going to like this idea I mean imagine you go to your friend's house and you see their baby just crawling around in this "baby mop outfit" yeah that's gonna be a pretty weird weird yet intriguing in a. 

4. Shoe Umbrellas.

shoe umbrellas I mean come on this one wouldn't even work and it's definitely not  fashion-forward so from the looks of it you attach these little mini umbrellas to the toes of your shoe and there you go yeah this this wouldn't work and you're trying to protect your shoes from getting wet or dirty when it rains these aren't going to help you sure at first they might keep the very tops of your "shoe umbrellas" dry but then when you start walking in the rain all that back splash is going to come up and get on your shoes umbrellas yeah this is just a weird and pointless one but hey on a positive note at least they come in different colors so you can accessorize. 

3. Metro Chin Stick.

'Top 5 Weird Japanese InventionsIn this article we will discuss a significant number four this one kind of creeps me out to be honest for one it looks absolutely ridiculous and two if someone is passing by you and accidentally kicks it out from underneath you then you're going down if you're so tired that you need to attempt to sleep standing up then just call in sick from work that day clearly you're not going to be all that productive yeah I just can't imagine how this is possibly comfortable it looks like it would be a strain on your neck if anything coming.

2. Splash Protector.

you splash protector a free tea food because it always ends up getting in your hair well have no fear because the splash protect is here so this is known as the splash protector and you're supposed to use it when eating soup or noodles basically if any food item that contains liquid and it will keep the liquid from getting in your hair so yeah if you feel like the outer rim of your face or hair needs protection from the unavoidable splash back then this is the product for you yeah this is super weird if you're that messy when eating then maybe you should stick to simpler more solid foods because this is just too much.

1. Hearing Enhance.

Finally at number one ancient japanese inventions in the world hearing enhancer yeah no there's no need for this if you're really having trouble hearing then there's hearing aids this looks really ridiculous it just looks like whoever is wearing it has attached two bowls to the side of their head on that for this product there's a little blurb that says these perfectly natural-looking colander that you strap over your head will not only amplify salem's but it might be possible to simultaneously toss a salad or two what I mean I don't even yeah I don't get it this is ridiculous what are we in the 1800s you might as well just grab an ear trumpet and there you have it that's a list of a top 5 weird Japanese inventions thank you guys so much for reading and I'll catch you in the next one article top 10 japanese inventions.

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