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Top 5 Famous Last Words

Top 5 Famous Last Words.Welcome back everyone I hope you doing well now I'm sure a lot of us have been told in our lives what our very first words were ever there are a pretty huge deal but some people argue that the last words the person said before they died or even more important I found some great examples of this some of you may find these pretty intense but here  this is the Top 5 famous last words so I happen to pretend that.

Top 5 Famous Last Words.

 Famous Last Words

5. Kurt Cobain.

Kurt Cobain,  Famous Last Words

We have Kurt Cobain the Nirvana front man was as famously talented as he was troubled he returned to the US after a tour in Germany and was faced with a drug intervention from his wife and close friend although he initially agreed to the program he escaped the facility and a week later his body was found here killed himself with a shotgun to the head the suicide note he wrote addresses his wife his children and his lost passion in life the final line simply read it is better to burn out than to fade away. 

4. Leonardo da Vinci.

Leonardo da Vinci,da Vinci, Famous Last Words

Now we have Leonardo da Vinci not many people in human history have had such a big impact on our science music and engineering as da Vinci his paintings are instantly recognizable and his inventions for early parachutes helicopters and tanks were held back only by the  technology around him you'd think that a man like that would have some sort of pride in himself but surprisingly not when he died from a stroke in 1519 at the age of 67 the Vinci's last words were I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have well what hope do the rest of us have them.

3. Elvis Presley.

Elvis Presley, Elvis Presley Death

'Famous Last Words' In this article we will discuss a significant number three Now we have Elvis Presley he is undoubtedly one of the biggest musical and cultural icons of all time and had adoring fans all over the world now towards the end of his life he suffered with obesity and Elvis Presley Death is drug addiction on August 16 1977 aged 42 he turned to his partner ginger Alden and said I'm going to the bathroom to read that's exactly what he did unfortunately years of drug and food abuse meant that when he strained his heart suddenly stopped he was found dead with his face on the floor. 

2. Thomas J. grasses.

Thomas J. grasses

Number three now we have Thomas J grasses now he was a convict he was executed in Oklahoma on March 20th 1995 for two murders as with many inmates on death row he was asked what exactly he wanted for his final meal he had 24 steamed mussels 24 steamed clam a double cheeseburger from Burger King sick spareribs two strawberry milkshakes one and a half of a pumpkin pie with whipped cream diced strawberries and a 16 ounce can of spaghetti meatballs that last one was the problem though for Thomas he wanted SpaghettiOs not spaghetti meatballs his last words before the execution were I did not get my SpaghettiOs I got spaghetti I want the press to know this talk about getting your priorities straight okay moving.

1. 2pac.

2pac, tupac shakur

"Famous Last Words" In this article we will discuss a significant finally at number one, Now we have 2pac any conversation about the greatest rapper of all time will always feature this man's name on September 7th 1996 he was in a car with Suge Knight at a boxing match they pulled up to some traffic light and then a car next to them wound down their back window and a gunman shot at them repeatedly when a police officer arrives on the scene he found two buck on the floor covered in blood the officer tried to get a dying declaration from him and asked him who shot him he looked him in his eyes took a deep breath and said you after that he slipped out of consciousness and never came around again Allen of a.

Guys have it that's Top 5 Famous Last Words what other places in the world should I do let me know in the comment section below and I'll see you guys very soon in the next most amazing top 5 article read.

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