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Top 5 Interesting Facts About India

Top 5 Interesting Facts About India.:India is the seventh largest country by area and it's the second most populated country in the world with over 1.2 billion people and it might become the most populated ever so let's find out about this country with our list on the Top 5 Interesting Facts About India so starting off this list.

Top 5 Interesting Facts About India.

Top 5 Interesting Facts About India

5. Largest Gathering Of Humans.

Largest Gathering Of Humans

This is one of the interesting facts Number 5 like we always do India has a festival that has the largest gathering of humans from around the world this festival is called come Fairs and it is a mass Hindu pilgrimage which people gather to bathe in a sacred or holy river humph Milan is held one to every 12 years and it is estimated that nearly a hundred million people gather for this festival this gathering is so large that you could actually see it from space.

4. Indian Railways.

Indian Railways

'Top 5 Interesting Facts About India' In this article we will discuss a significant number four this organization has 100 million people is way more than the population of Canada we only have 30 million Indian Railways comes into this list a total of 1.4 million employees which is the equivalent to the entire population of several countries including Trinket Tobago Estonia Cyprus Luxembourg Iceland Monaco and more Indian Railways is one of the world's largest railway comprising of 115,000 kilometers of track over a route of 67 kilometers and over 7,000 stations this railway carries more than 22 million passengers a day 1.1 billion tons of freight each year blasting.

3. 3% Pay Income Tax.

income tax india

This is one of the random facts number 3 only 3 percent of Indians pay income tax I mean goddamn we all got to move down there this is extremely low percentage when you correlate that the population of India which is 1.2 billion people one  explanation for this is the majority of Indians about two thirds live in rural areas and their sources of income is algae culture which is a profession that is exempt from paying income tax another large amount of the economy is very informal or unorganized manual lab our which makes it hard for the government to track and collect all taxes Hindi is not the natural language of India.

2.Some Of The Deadliest Roads.

Some Of The Deadliest Roads

This is one of the random facts number 2 India has some of the Most Deadliest Roads in the world there are more road deaths in India than any other countries in the entire world officially about 115,000 people died on Indian roads eat here but the true number of fatalities could be closer to 200,000 according to reports 37% of deaths are pedestrians 20% of cyclists and motorcyclists and 55 percent of the fatalities occur within five minutes of the road incident did you guys know that. 

1.Largest Slave Population.

Largest Slave Population.

Finally at number one slavery is every where in India has the largest slave population in the modern world is over 14 million slaves this is a sad fact but this fact brings. India from bricklayers rice mills and broderie factories quarries and farm slavery also exists in brothels and privately owned homes these people aren't debt to their owners and they're forced to repay them through endless labor many of these slaves are paid only enough to stay alive to work another day and the interest rates ensure that they can never earn enough money to repay the debt this is just so horrible and dehumanizing well there you.

Guys have it that's Top 5 Interesting Facts About India what other places in the world should I do let me know in the comment section below and I'll see you guys very soon in the next most amazing top 5 article read.

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