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Top 5 Scientists In Biology

Top 5 Scientists In Biology : The top 5 scientists in biology such as Louis Pasteur, Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel, Robert Hook, and Aristotle are all considered to be the top scientists in the world. Like many have explored during their lifetime. There is research work in natural, medicinal and physical sciences Read about more scientist.

Top 5 Scientists In Biology

(1). Louis Pasteur

In the top 5 scientists of biology, Louis Pasteur was one of the best known biologists of French, who invented his invention, such as microbiologist and chemist vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization principles. He was born on 27 December 1822 in Buck, France. He has also got many awards and awards for various disciplines such as Rumford Medal, Copley Medal, Leeuwenhoek Medal, Albert Medal, Monton Prize etc.

He played his role as a chemistry professor at the University of Strasbourg in 1848, and in a short span of 1852, he also became Chairman of Chemistry. And worked at Lille University in 1854. In 1857, he moved to Paris as director of scientific studies at the Ecol Normal Superior, where he played his role from 1858 to 1867. And in a few years he also founded the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1887, where he was the director. And they died on September 28, 1895. Thus they searched many during their lifetime and they were one of the best scientists of the world.

(2). Charles Darwin (1809–1882)

In the top 5 scientists of biologyCharles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist, a well-known biologist of the science of evolution. He was born on February 2, 1809 in The Mount, in Shrewsbury, United Kingdom.

(3). Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)

In the top 5 scientists of biology, Gregor Johann Mendel was a biologist who was known for genetics science. He was born on July 20, 1822. His parents were Anton Mendel, and Rosen Mendel. They were German. He had also worked as a gardener during his childhood. And they studied for raising bees. He studied experimental and theoretical philosophy and physics at the Philosophical Institute of Olomouck University. And died on January 6.

(4). Robert Hooke (1635–1703)

In the top 5 scientists of biology, Robert Hooke was an English natural philosopher, polymath, biology professor and architect. His life was an effort to make him a successful scientist in his life. And he eventually became a scientist, born on July 8, 1635 in Freshwater, United Kingdom. He was an Englishman, educated and gave him education at Vadham College, Oxford, Westminster School, Christ Church, Oxford, Oxford University. Robert hooke cell discovery. and also available Robert hooke micrographia book in market.

(5). Aristotle (384–322 BC)

In the top 5 scientists of biology, Aristotle scientist was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist of all the scientists, born in Stagira, Chalkidiki. Aristotle is known as "father of western philosophy", he possesses almost all kinds of knowledge. He was a great scientist at that time.

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