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Top 5 National Anthem Fails

National Anthem Fails.: Being asked to sing the national anthem live at a sporting event is a huge honor unfortunately sometimes the performances don't go over as well as expected and that's we're gonna be talking about today hey Website welcome back to the "World Remark" amazing top 5 before we get started Top 5 National Anthem Fails I want to know who is your favorite singer and why lemon area answer is down in the comments also I have a challenge for you guys let's try to best

Top 5 National Anthem Fails

National Anthem Fails

5. Christina Aguilera

National Anthem Fails

Get this Article to 311 fails coming in our number 5 spot "Christina Aguilera National Anthem" now no surprise that christina is a powerhouse when it comes to singing she's amazing but at the 2011 Super Bowl she kind of made a rookie mistake when she screwed up the lyrics she accidentally changed the words in the songs fourth line and merged lyrics with the song's final line what so proudly we had the toilers but she continued on singing and the crowd cheered her on one player was particularly touched by the performance that he even shed adhere and even though she made the mistake her performance ended with the crowd bursting into applause in our.

4.  Kat Deluna

'National Anthem Fails' coming Number 4 spot "Kat Deluna National Anthem" yeah this is one that's not really painful to watch but painful to listen to this is a performance from the 2008 Dallas Cowboys game so you know back in 2008 how was a pretty well known pop star 20 year old head hits like whine up and run the show cat is a good singer so I don't really know why this happened she tried a little too hard to hit those high notes and then the whole song is just really pitch and she hits a few bumps and then there's a point where it's like she didn't even remember the lyrics then the last note was just completely botched altogether but I must say she kept a game face on the entire time I don't know if she couldn't really hear herself because from the expression on her face she thinks she's killing it but then at the end the stadium let her know how they felt and they erupted into a chorus of boos yes they weren't impressed.

3. Michael Bolton

National Anthem Fails

"Michael Bolton National Anthem" okay this performance was a mess all around Bolton performed at the Red Sox  versus Yankees baseball game in 2003 so I think it's fair to mention that he's only partially responsible for this horrible performance one of the main issues with this performance was to do with the audio for whatever reason there was some weird echo that would follow every line he's saying so he was already off to rough start but then he made things worse for himself when he actually paused singing took in his hand where he had wrote the lyrics bro you have to sing the national anthem take a second out of your day to practice it so you are ready to go but I have to admit my favorite part is when the guard behind him just can't help but smile when Bulls in had to look at his hand check it out.

2. Roseanne Barr

National Anthem Fails

I'm the other and if she spot "Roseanne Barr National Anthem" first off I want to start by saying if you don't know who Roseanne Barr is I am sorry do yourself a favor and look up the show Roseanne and watch it because it's hilarious no one can only assume that her performance at the 1990 San Diego game was supposed to be a comedic Act because there's no way that's how she actually sings it's pretty clear she's just trying to be obnoxious she's essentially screaming she's really off-key and then you know there's the whole crotch-grabbing thing the whole time the crowd is booing her and then she ends her performance by spitting on the pitcher's mound yeah that was a that was something.

1. Fergie 

National Anthem Fails

Finally coming National Anthem Fails Number one spot Fergie yeah this is definitely the most recent biggest national anthem fail so I had to put it in our number one spot even though let's be honest Roseanne's performance was way worse after her performance at the NBA all-star game everyone took to the Internet and we're basically like WTF was that I have to admit it was  definitely different within minutes of the performance ending memes are already circulating and the amount of criticism was insane she was definitely going for a sultry rendition kind of vibe but it didn't really work out take a look for yourselves what so Britney released a statement yesterday saying she was honored I'm proud to perform the national anthem and actually wanted to try something special for the NBA he said I'm a risk-taker artistically but clearly this rendition didn't strike the intended tone I love this country and honestly tried my best.

There you have it that's a list of the top five biggest National Anthem Fails then yeah so much for visiting  don't forget to show some love by giving  this article a big thumbs up and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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