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Top Five Japanese Law

Top Five Japanese Law.: How's it going all you millimeters of top tenors I'm gonna be your host for today, I know you guys already know that if you guys like our article here no spacing top 10 / 5 hit the like button let's see if we can get it likes we almost did it in the last article, if we can get us there and have actually traveled to Japan and many other awesome places around the world if you guys want to see my Japan a traveling vlogs you guys can click right over here amazing experience the food is amazing and the people are just so humble and nice alright so we all know that every country has their own weird laws and Japan is no exception so let's take a look at the Top Five Japanese Law setting us off in.

Top Five Japanese Law.

Top Five Japanese Law

5 . Dancing.

The dancing and nightclubs seems sort of ironic doesn't it but yes dancing in certain nightclubs is illegal in Tokyo so law has been around since 1948 and clubs that are less than seven hundred feet or don't have a dancing permit can actually face some pretty harsh fines for people dancing and respite what you might think clubs don't actually meet the proper criteria actually enforce this dancing law and you can easily get kicked out for dancing obtaining..

4 . Blow-Fish License.

A Blow-fish license comes in at  number four you need to obtain a license or a certificate before being able to handle a Blow-fish and it isn't an easy task chefs who have undergone at least two years of training at a puffer fish restaurant are entitled to take certification tests in order to be able to cook it they must pass extremely difficult practical and written exams the emperor is also banned from eating it just in case he gets a poisonous bite being fat comes onto this list.

3 . Overweight.

Japan's pretty rude since 2008 it is illegal to be fat in Japan under the meta bolome the maximum waistline is thirty three point five inches for men over the age of 40 and thirty five point four inches for women but instead of jail time these people who exceed the limit will be given us to rate the diet and they must adhere to it for several months this meta ball law aims to save the country money by preventing illnesses rather than spending money to treat them.

2 . Brewing Your Own Alcohol.

Brewing your own alcohol home brewing anything over 1% is illegal in Japan and the penalties involved up to five years in prison and two or five thousand dollars in fives I don't see the point of buying all of this expensive brewing equipment if you can't even make a over 1% I'm sure that there's a lot of people brewing their own wine and beer at home that is most likely over 1% limit but they are keeping it you know on the down-low it is forbidden to damage or throw money away.

1 . Throw Money Away.

Why are people throwing money away why does this have to be a law if you are caught doing this you could be fined up to $2,000 or you could spend one year in prison I'm not sure why anyone would want to throw money away but if you aren't throwing money away you may as well just find them for more money because you know they have money to waste.

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