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Top 5 Illegal Things You Do Everyday

Top 5 Illegal Things You Do Everyday.Did you guys know though there are actually probably a number of things that are illegal but everyone does that are illegal yet we're law breaking punks and we didn't even know, welcome back to the most amazing top five before we get started I want to know what is the craziest thing you've ever done lemon are your answers down in the comments also before we get started I just wanna remind all of you to please follow to this awesome website if you haven't already we bring you guys new article 6 days a week and also show some love by giving this article a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments what other top-five list you would like to see me do alright without further ado let's get started on our list of top 5 illegal things you do everyday starting off.

Top 5 Illegal Things You Do Everyday.

 Illegal Things You Do Everyday

5 . Streaming TV Shows.

Illegal Things You Do Everyday

List illegal activities number five streaming TV shows online I'm guilty of doing this one for sure I mean Netflix doesn't offer every show and when you're a busy person it's rare you're home on time to watch the newest episode of your favorite show on your TV so what else can you do but stream your shows and I know I'm not alone on this and to be honest when you're doing this you don't even really think about the laws prohibiting you from doing it so well this is bad and technically illegal it's just something many people do a.

4 . Sharing Passwords.

Illegal Things You Do Everyday

Common illegal things number four sharing passwords again something so many people do what do you have a subscription service like Netflix or iTunes for example it's possible to share your password with other people and then you just what the cost with them but it turns out this is illegal and if caught you can get in big trouble but it is really rare to be caught as this is a really common thing that does happen and it's extremely hard for the companies.

3 . Texting And Driving.

Illegal Things You Do Everyday

List of things against the law Number three texting and driving now this is one thing I would never do just because it's so dangerous and could end up killing you or someone else yeah it's definitely not that important the person can wait a few minutes for you to text them back texting and driving has been the cause behind so many road accidents and caused a lot of deaths behind the wheel even if you're an experienced driver this is not something you should do this is a time where you need to be selfless and put other safety above your own social life. 

2 . Singing "Happy Birthday".

Illegal Things You Do Everyday

Illegal stuff to do number two a singing happy birthday now this isn't a daily thing but it's a yearly thing or you know it happens once every few months really depends on how many people you sing happy birthday to and absolutely shocked me so I had to share with you guys this song is actually copyrighted and any public performance of it is illegal so yeah basically if you're a teen or an adult then your family probably owes thousands in royalties at this point no wonder you run such a life of crime.

1 . Underage Social Media Users.

Illegal Things You Do Everyday

Now you are on the "Top 5 Illegal Things You Do Everyday" Finale Number One of this article using social media when you're underage okay it's be honest I didn't even know this was a thing I mean Facebook and YouTube and all of that stuff came out when I was in high school so I was of age to join I forgot that kids under certain age aren't supposed to use certain social media platforms apparently if you're under 13 you're not supposed to be on social media period some social media platforms will actually require you to be older did you guys know that you're not supposed to be able to  have a whatsapp account unless you're 16 years old yeah I had no idea also you're supposed to be 13 before you have a Facebook YouTube or Instagram account you know what I can understand and get behind the whole YouTube thing because some of the kids on this site oh my god they write rude comments and clearly by how their wording things it's obvious their child and other parents aren't monitoring their internet use and it's just hysterical now well I think it's funny to someone who's younger it could upset them and it's just disgusting how kids at a younger and younger age think and shrimp bullying is okay and they partake in it so yes if you're too young to go on social media  platforms it's probably best if you wait until you're of age and no matter what age or don't believe people it's not  cool.

There you have it that's a list of the Top 5 illegal things you do everyday thank you guys so much for reading and I'll catch you next one.

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