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Food Combinations That Can Cause Death

Food Combinations That Can Cause Death.: If you want a strong argument as to why you don't need to eat your fruits and vegetables well this is the article for you what's going on google and welcome to the world remark bot right right down the world in a brilliant top 5 list sit back follow and let me entertain you know typically we start off these article with a question I was gonna ask what your favorite food we all know everyone's answer is pizza so instead tell me what is your favorite topping on a pizza let me know down below let's jump to our list with the top five everyday Food Combinations That Can Cause Death, Let's talk about five foods that come to you in this article that show the way of your death.

Food Combinations That Can Cause Death.

Food Combinations That Can Cause Death

5 . Cherries.

Fatal food combinations first up in the number five spot lays we've got cherries anyone gets that reference you definitely are Canadian nature's  most beautiful garnish is actually packing heat so on your next cherry-picking adventure be mindful now the cherry itself is typically harmless the problem lies in the pits cherry pits they contain cyanide yeah not good stuff know if you were to swallow one or two pits you'll be fine the problem comes when you start chewing it that releases the cyanide into your bloodstream and then you're in trouble or just one symptoms of mild poisoning would include things like confusion vomiting dizziness and headaches and if you were to go ahead and just chew on a handful of these things will all of a sudden you would have some respiratory issues you would start convulsing you'd go into a coma and well your major arteries they would shut down so ladies don't eat too many Jimmy it's pooping after.

4 . Potato.

The Poisonous food for humans number four spot me at the real reason the Irish are everywhere and potatoes they're deadly okay so you won't get into trouble enjoying your favorites like french fries mashed potatoes or beautiful scallop otago swimming in a bowl full of melted cheese just happened there however the green version of potatoes they contain a natural toxin known as solid now if you think the green tint on your potato is just a sign of it not being quite right well you're way off that's chlorophyll and we ain't talking about Bora film so if you see green on a potato that is a no-fly zone and I ain't talking about the Irish this time the leaves from potato plants are high in glycolate another deadly poison so do not eat the leaves if you do be prepared for bouts of he is embalming dizziness and it'll eventually shut down your central nervous system yeah ma. 

3 . Elderberries. 

Fatal food combinations the number three spot we are taking a page right under the Hunger Games up talking about elderberries so when you watch the nature Channel and the dude is cautious about what berries did bake these are the suckers that he's talking about now if you wanted to cook any elderberries you'd be good to go the real threat is actually lies in the leaves and the stems attached to the berries they contain cyanide green elderberries are uncooked elderberry they contain a poisonous alkaloid the majority of fatalities they come for people who stumble upon an elderberry bush and they're like well the berries are cool the leaves have got to be great as well and then they go home and make themselves some tea and they feel like they cook the leaves what they have it and then they drink a cup of death put me down.

2 . Rhubarb.

"Food Combinations That Can Cause Death" number two spot we have rubra which i always thought with celery's evil twin again we have a problem not with the plan itself but with its leaves this time they contain oxalic acid also known as bleach there have been many documented cases of humans passing away after consuming the leaves as well as donkeys horses pigs yeah just grew by right should be harmless well it is is it right okay so cherry pits that's a no-fly zone as our elderberries and rhubarb leaves also you're going to watch out for them.

1 . Blow fish.

Blow fish

They'll be potatoes finally foods that cause instant death in the number one spot we have the Blowfish I know we all saw this coming now we've all seen the episode of The Simpsons where the chef messes up and nearly end homers life after serving him this deadly fugu that's another word Blowfish now the Blowfish is perhaps the most famous for its lethal amounts of poison called tetrodotoxin carries in its organs snow of a Blowfish is prepared incorrectly you will go into paralysis all sudden your organs will shut down while you are conscious it's not a good way to go and on top of all this there is no antidote regardless some people continue to eat Blowfish like why Bob like playing Russian roulette for dinner alright.

Since i got be in this article sure to check out more article here on most amazing top five let me know what kind of top vines see in the future also what do you like on your pizza I think that's everything I'll see you guys in another article.

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