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Scary Statue Stories | Top 5

Scary Statue Stories | Top 5.:Hello everyone, what are your feelings about statues huh I quite like them especially those big ones you see in the middle of cities they're nice some people don't like them though they even give them the creeps they might even see them move in the corner of their eye but that can't be true right that would be absolutely terrifying wouldn't it  this here guys is the Scary Statue Stories | Top 5 starting over.

Scary Statue Stories | Top 5.

Scary Statue Stories | Top 5

5. Jesua.


'Scary Statue Stories | Top 5' In this article we will discuss a significant number five jesua. now we have Jesus this image comes from a chapel of Saltillo in Mexico the camera person is filming a statue of Jesus which is inside a glass box as the camera zooms in this happens Jesus appears to open his eyes the camera then pans off to the right for a moment after a few seconds jesus's eyes closed this clip blew up on social media with some people saying it was a miracle other people said there had to be some sort of explanation for it but everyone was a little bit creeped out one
investigator said the clip had been examined for weeks by 20 different specialists who found no evidence that it had been tampered with however there have been many videos uploaded online claiming to prove that it is a fake you guys to check it out and let me know what you think.

4. Snow White.

Snow White

Scary Statue Stories | Top 5' In this article we will discuss a significant number 4 snow white. now we have snow white and not much is known about this clip you're about to see which kind of makes it creepier in a way I can tell you that it's from Mexico during the 1990 the person filming appears to be visiting some sort of kids
theme park or exhibition at night that contains statues he walks up to the snow white one apparently transfixed by just how creepy it looks well it got a lot creepier when
this happened what obviously the guy freaks out I would too he ran away so we never got another look at Snow White the whole thing is still a mystery perhaps that's why this clip has been viewed over half a million times alright.

3. Ancient Egyptian.

Ancient Egyptian

Scary Statue Stories | Top 5' In this article we will discuss a significant number three Ancient Egyptian. now we have the ancient Egyptian I'm sure you guys have all heard of the ancient Egyptian curses right they say that removing artifacts from the tombs there will bring terror and death to those involved well staff at the Manchester Museum in England were a little bit nervous when they notice one of their statues appeared to have moved they installed a camera to watch it and this is what they saw one of their three thousand eight hundred year old statues was slowly spinning round throughout the day as the museum's visitors stream by they think the reason was that the his footsteps had caused my new vibrations that knows the statue out of place other people still argue that this wouldn't be possible and it's actually a sign of some sort of ancient curse. 

2. Floating Statue.

Floating Statue

Scary Statue Stories | Top 5' In this article we will discuss a significant number two
Floating Statue, now we have the floating statue in a summer of 1985 a hundred thousand people visited a statue of Mary in a small Irish village the statue was nothing out of the ordinary until a few locals there said they had seen it floating in the air then a few dozen people showed up then hundreds and finally thousands went
to see this event when it all started the local police sergeant was very skeptical he went down there to check it out and sure enough there it was floating he was convinced it must have been a hoax something to do with wires perhaps he went and checked behind the statue and found nothing when he tried to move the statue of himself it wouldn't even budge now critics say there isn't enough evidence for this and that it could have actually been a trick of the light interesting story either way.


1.The Cloak.

The Cloak

Scary Statue Stories | Top 5' In this article we will discuss a significant number one now we have the cloak this clip comes from early 2016 in Vietnam locals into Power notice that a statue of Mary on top of a hill appeared to be moving here you can see the clip with the subtitles of what they are saying now they appear to be focused on her moving cloak it does appear to move that's for sure but this is an incredibly grainy piece of footage aside from the Article all we really have to go on is the adamant reactions of the people who witness this and the erifying by other locals that this is in fact a known solid statute the debates around this article is part of the reason that it has a mass over 700,000 views what do you guys think 

what do you think of the whole article in general what are the scary stories do you want me to dig up for you you know I will do it I always seem to do these ones  thanks for reading Scary Statue Stories | Top 5 article and I will see you all in the next article also here's our merch.

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