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Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10

Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10.:hello and welcome back to world remark, today I'm bringing you the Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are top 10 just hello and welcome back to world remark today I'm bringing you the "Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are top 10" just think of this episode is a fun five minutes of quiz time I love a good quiz fee each question I'm gonna give you 10 seconds to think about the answer but if you need a little bit more time then do feel free to just make sure you don't cheat by googling the answer or using a calculator you're just cheating yourself if you do that I've added in a mixture of questions because intelligence cannot be pinned on just one thing for example a head for numbers so call me quiz master Fol gate and let's do this we have a mathematics question.

Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10.

Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10.

10. Buzz Feed.

'Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10' In this article we will discuss a significant number 10 Buzz feed. so I found this question on Buzz Feed and I really liked it because it brought mathematics into the world of social media making it more relatable to some people oh he goes six celebrities get into an argument on Twitter all tweeting at one another once the next day three tweeted an apology and the other three remained silent how many tweets were sent in total.


Okay the answer you should have come up with is 33 so each celebrity tweets the other with six celebrities in total of course the question doesn't say that they tweet themselves so each of the six celebrities tweets 5 times 6 times 5 is 30 then the next day three more tweets are sent so we add 3 to 30 bringing the total to 33 okay a science question.

9. Science.

What is water made of do you guys really need to know the answer to this water isn't just water everything on earth is made up of elements at the moment there are 118 elements confirmed on the periodic table and water is comprised of two elements hydrogen and oxygen it is two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen a basic understanding of chemistry is a mark of intelligence and helps people understand the world around them it also helps understand cause and effect when it comes to chemical reactions general knowledge.

8.North Korea.

What is the capital of North Korea


The answer is Pyongyang this question is testing your knowledge of geography and current affairs a sign of intelligence is knowing what and where things are
going on in the world around you that's also Pyongyang is fun to say probably not a fun place to live though.


'Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10' In this article we will discuss a significant number 7 Statement. we have a statement question okay listen to this and then answer true or false if some people who like pears also like apples and some people who like apples also like bananas then some pear eaters definitely like bananas true or false okay so the answer is folks as we haven't been given enough information to say that that is definitely true this question tests your ability to read and understand as well as see past suggestion the reason this is especially important today is because many news outlets on all sides of the political spectrum make statements that lead to assumptions like the one in this question however you need to be able to evaluate evidence for yourself and see if those assumptions are fair or not quite the full story.

6.This Dress.

What color is this dress is it blue and black or is it white and gold it's the age-old question.

Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10


Okay so this was a trick question just for fun and doesn't really have any
bearing on your intelligence but I guess the real answer here is the whatever
color you see totally depends on the light conditions in which you're viewing it a general knowledge question.


How many countries are there in the world.


The best answer is 196 but honestly the true answer is more complicated than
that there are some countries in questions such as Taiwan which was part of the Republic of China but now a lot of people don't recognize it as independent there is also a little bit of confusion regarding the four nations of the United Kingdom as well as Puerto Rico Greenland and more the United Nations recognizes 241 countries or territories I honestly wouldn't worry if you didn't get this answer exactly right but understanding the ballpark the definitions and the issues is definitely a sign of global understanding and recognition outside of your own sphere.


"Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10" In this article we will discuss a significant number four puzzle. we have a good old puzzle we have the Fox goose and bag of beans puzzle to be precise some of you guys may have heard this before so do you just get this one for free basically it goes that a farmer has in his possession a fox a goose and a bag of beans he stops at a riverbank looking over to the other side he needs to cross the river but can only carry himself and one other thing over at a time now the problem is if he leaves the Fox alone with the goose the Fox will kill it and if he leaves the goose alone with the beans and the goose will eat them so how should he cross.


Okay so the farmer needs to make seven crossings in total he needs to do as
follows take the goose over to the other side return alone take the beans over
return with the goose leave the goose back where it started take the Fox over return alone and then take that goose unk questions like this test your problem-solving ability which is important in day-to-day life.

3. Triangle.

'Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10' In this article we will discuss a significant number three Triangle. we have what color with the next triangle B have a look at this picture and see if you can discover what color the next triangle should be.


So the arms you should have come up with is purple why because the colors in the circle at the center if each triangle make the outer color of the next triangle yellow and blue make green red and yellow make orange so blue and red must make purple this question tests your ability to discern patterns we have a language question.

2. Language.

Which of these can you not eat kaiser pan teaser or pesca.


Okay so the answer is teaser which is Spanish for chalk Kaiser is German for
cheese pan is French for bread and Pesce is Italian for fish I'm actually really guilty of not knowing enough in the way of languages outside the English language but I do know a little bit of French honestly learning is earning and
knowledge is power so I should definitely try and learn more languages finally although all of the questions are just as important as one another.

1.How Many People.

'Easy Questions To See How Smart You Are Top 10' In this article we will discuss a significant finally number One How Many people.how many people are there on earth so the number keeps on rising but it is currently at seven point six billion knowing how many people there are on earth is important as it helps you understand life outside of your own and also how the planet is changing.

You should also know your own country's population and the country that is most populated which is currently China at one point three eight billion people knowing this helps you gain an understanding of living conditions as well as economic power.

So guys that was ten questions for you it was a diverse set of questions but of course it is really hard to quantify exactly how smart a person is over the course of just 10 questions if you feel like you didn't know that much on this list then now is the time to start testing your knowledge and seeing how much you can absorb from what is available to you once again knowledge is power smarter people are more likely to be successful for many reasons including their ability to see.

When other people are trying to take them for a fool and we aren't fools here
on most amazing top ten Oh No so guys let me know how many answers you got right in the comments box down below always know why not ask some more puzzle style questions of your own or general knowledge questions I for one and a huge history buff for now though if you liked this Article make sure you give it a good thumbs up share with a friend and stay follow to world remark thank
you for reading to the very end of this article the top ten optical illusions that will hurt your brain.

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